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OBA is very proud being interviewed by local media - Today Commercial News

OBA is very pround being interviewed by local media (Today Commercial News). Here is the full interview.


The Ontario Badminton Academy is now opened, located in Markham, Ontario. On route to raising badminton players to represent Canada.

Professional coaches from the national level, ranging from fundamental trainings for beginners to internationally competitive training for advanced athletes.

The development of the badminton sport in the GTA will once again be elevated, as the Ontario Badminton Academy has landed in Markham. OBA is dedicated to promoting the sport of badminton to young people across the province, and more importantly, to enhance the level of badminton competition both regionally and nationally. With its world- class training facilities, to the elite coaches from China and Indonesia, paired with professional medical care, OBA has already attracted many recreational badminton lovers to join the club. Meanwhile, many top level players also joined the OBA badminton team, preparing for upcoming national and international tournaments.

“The motivation behind the establishment of the Ontario Badminton Academy, is not only to promote the badminton sports in the GTA or in Canada in general; it is also to nurture the young and talented rising stars in the sport of badminton in Canada. At the same time, as our players receive badminton training at our club, the academy can also provide a more integral development along with it.” As introduced to us by Donatus Wong, the founder of OBA.

Nurturing junior players tirelessly and wholeheartedly

“The academy has 8 international standard badminton courts, a resting area and study space on the second floor, and nevertheless, a cafeteria and a fitness studio that is dedicated to enhance the physical performance of our players when they are off the court.” As Master William Wang, the head coach of OBA, continues to introduce the facilities. Besides the international standard courts, he insists on adding an extra layer of sub-floor underneath the mat, which functions to absorb the forces resulting from jumping and landing effectively, in order to reduce the shock and stress absorbed by the joints of our players. Ultimately, the injury risk has been greatly lowered.

Carefully designed courts to prevent sports injuries

The lighting system of the badminton courts are also worth mentioning. Unlike other badminton club or badminton courts in the community centres, the lighting system at OBA chooses to setup fluorescent light tubes on both sides of the court.

“As our players raise their heads to hit the bird, they will not have to face the sharp lights from the ceiling time and time again. The milder fluorescent tubes light up only the necessary space, avoiding the distracting factors of unnecessary lighting. It is through our professional and detailed design of the lighting system that we can greatly increase the level of focus and attention of our players during training.” Said Master Wang.

As for the coaches of OBA, the head coach, Master William Wang was the head coach of the China Sichuan Team in the 1980s, followed by becoming coach of the Chinese Junior National team. In 1990, he became a coach for the Thailand national team, and then to becoming the coach for the Sweden National Team. He earned a doctorate degree in exercise science at the Umea University. In 2000, he formally immigrated to Canada and began his long term coaching here in the GTA.

Former coach of the Chinese Junior National team as the Head coach of OBA

“The badminton sport has gained more popularity over the past few years, surpassing certain sports such as tennis. Under the decade long leadership of William Wang, many young players have become top players in Canada, achieving outstanding results in many tournaments. OBA also provides three levels of group lessons to beginners: beginner level, intermediate level, and advanced level. At the same time, private lessons and team trainings are also options available to players to prepare for regional, provincial, and national tournaments.” Master Wang emphasized that badminton training should start from a young age as it is the prime time for kids to acquire the sports. OBA works around children from 5 to 18 years old. By adopting the traditional way of Chinese badminton training modal, players receive both technical and physical trainings at a young age. Moreover, him and other coaches have a rich understanding of medical knowledge regarding sport injuries and first aid experience.

Badminton training should start at a young age

“On the second floor of the academy, we set up a resting zone and a study space, where there are desks and chairs for our players to study when they are off the court. We also installed TVs for the purpose of playing international badminton tournaments for our players to watch and learn in their leisure time. We also set up sitting area for parents to watch their children practice. On the ground level, we are facilitated with fitness equipment. Moreover, the academy has full WiFi coverage.”

“The hardware of the academy has a lot of variety, library, fitness area, cafeteria etc.. Our academy is not merely a badminton club, but a school that emphasizes a more integral development for the young players. Many parents have given their trust to us to nurture their children. As for us, we hope that we can do our best to contribute to the development of the badminton sport in Canada.”



【本報訊】羽毛球運動在大多地區的發展將得到進一步發展,事緣本地一間主旨培養青少年羽球興趣,提高安省及至全加少年羽球水平的羽球學院,已悄然落戶萬錦市內,以極專業的場地設置、聘請中國及印尼頂級羽球教練,配備專業醫療團隊等,除吸引大量少年羽球愛好者在業餘前往求學外,更吸引全國最高水平球手加入所屬球隊,為未來征戰全國及至全球頂 級賽事做好準備。

「安省羽毛球學院(Ontario Badminton Academy)的成立,理念不但是要推廣羽球在大多地區及至加拿大的發展,更希望可為本國培養,能在世界羽壇嶄露頭角的青年羽球好手,同時我們更關注,在青少年接受羽球訓練的同時,亦在院校能有更全面發展。」安省羽毛球學院創辦人兼院長王介元(Donatus Wong)向本報介紹。


坐落於萬錦市Woodbine Ave.夾John Street西南 角的「安省羽毛球學院」(7400 Woodbine Ave Unit 4, Markham, ON L3R 1A5 電話:905-604-7898),成功吸引大量華裔青少年羽球愛好者加入其中,這其中有創辦人經營上的用心,但更少不了其高專業程度,博得羽球愛好者的高度認同。




「他們抬頭抽打來球時,再也不用一次又一次面對天花上刺眼的高燈照射,溫和的日光燈管,已為場地必要的照明,在側邊加裝遮擋,可避免光線對臨近球場運動員的影響,和盡可能將場地以外的地方減少不必要的燈光,這樣一來可減少球員因場外觀眾或事物所影響而分心,大大增加他們在訓練時的專注力,從而達到事半功倍的效果,這就是我們相對專業細緻的 考量。」王院長對于本報記者做出回應。

而在羽毛球的師資方面,「安省羽毛球學院」的總教練王正先(Master William Wang),於上世紀80年代曾擔任中國四川隊主教練,之後被調任中國國家少年隊教練;1990年前往泰國成為國家隊教練,之後再前往歐洲羽球強國瑞典,先後在瑞典國家隊和俱樂部對擔任教練,期間還於Umea University修讀運動醫學博士課程,2000年移民加拿大,定居多倫多,長期從事 羽球青少年訓練。


「加拿大在羽球民運動方面已開始普及, 近年來 打羽毛球的人數已大大超過了其他球類如網球等 。而在王總教練十多年的帶領下, 很多小孩子從小地接受培訓而成為加拿大羽毛球界尖子 ,在各大小比賽拿下到優越成績和獎項。而校內課程既有配合初學者而設的初級、中級、高級興趣班,亦設私人輔導,當學 員球技到達一定水平, 如想更上一層樓,他們可選擇進入團隊接受專業訓練,團隊同時設置由4級至最高1級的團隊,參與區域、市、省、全國及至國際賽事。」王總教練強調,羽毛球訓練需要從兒童抓起,不能錯過最佳羽球啟蒙期,而學院的工作重心亦是圍繞由5歲至18歲年齡層青少年羽毛球工作展開,采用傳統的中國羽球訓練模式,以技術及體能並重方式展開教學,包括他以及學院負責人在內,同樣擁有體育醫療知識,大賽 的急救處理經驗豐富,可應對處理大部分受傷情況發生。





Contact Info:


Wechat: ONBadmintonAcademy

7400 Woodbine Ave, Unit 4, Markham, ON L3R 1A5 Canada

Help Desk Hours:

Monday - Friday: 4pm - 8:30pm

Saturday: 10am -  8pm

Sunday: 10am - 8pm

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Gym Hours:

Monday - Friday 3:00 pm - 10 pm

Saturday 10 am - 10 pm

Sunday 10 am - 9 pm


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